Target Velocity is Positive When Measured Velocity is Negative When Tuning Manual Feedforward

If MotorDirectionDebugger works perfectly, this means that either your right side encoders are plugged in to the wrong ports (so swap frontRight and backRight encoder cables) or your left side encoders are plugged in to the wrong ports (so swap frontLeft and backLeft encoder cables). An easy way to debug this is to add a printEncoderValues telemetry method in SampleMecanumDrive.

public void printEncoderValues(Telemetry telemetry) {
        telemetry.addData("LeftFrontPos: ", leftFront.getCurrentPosition());
        telemetry.addData("RightFrontPos: ", rightFront.getCurrentPosition());
        telemetry.addData("LeftRearPos: ", leftRear.getCurrentPosition());
        telemetry.addData("RightBackPos: ", rightRear.getCurrentPosition());

Then at the end of every loop in MotorDirectionDebugger, call


Last updated: 2024-05-30